Societal Drift and the Beach of Normality

The March of Tyranny
September 2, 2016
Do What You Fear The Most
October 20, 2016

Societal Drift and the Beach of Normality

I’ve been on a 14 day calorie restriction along with intermittent fasting compounded with ketosis, this weekend I decided to say screw it all and fill up on some alcohol and appetizers. Today, I didn’t lose any weight. But tomorrow I will. Back to counting my macros and being a good steward of my diet. But what is the ethos here, friends, family, habits, all play a part into our determination. What does the microcosm of perfect health teach us? The drift of society would have it that our goals are met with anguish, that the ghosts of our past self haunts us in not just our habits but our image. When people know you are a freak, they know what to expect, 8000 calories a day just to build muscle, even eating when you’re not hungry to feed the insatiable monster living in your flesh. But when you are normal trying to become a monster, the drift will have you back at the beach of normality, suggestions, persuasions, all as alluring as the siren song of conformity is. But to defy this song is to defy a part of yourself, and to ultimately abandon that self and molt into your newer form through subverting the drift. That is when you truly become the beast in mind and flesh, and the drift to normalcy will have failed to drown your spirit. For now I put down the bottle and sleep, another chance to wade the rip tides of normalcy awaits me as the new sun meets the penumbra of the night sky.

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